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Ответы по лексикологии (Lexicology and linguistics. Contrastive lexicology)

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Ответы по лексикологии (Lexicology and linguistics. Contrastive lexicology)

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22.06.2016, 21:36
  1. Lexicology and linguistics. Contrastive lexicology, object, aim, and tasks.
  2. The history of contrastive lexicology, main units and terms. Ukrainian scientists, manuals, observing.
  3. Language and vocabulary. The branches of Contrastive Lexicology.
  4. Structural aspects of a word: External and Internal structure. Scientific methods to leant English and Ukrainian words in Comparison.
  5. The semantic unity of a word. Polysemy: types of semantic component. Sema, Semema, semantic field.
  6. The main scientific aspects: syntagmatics and paradigmatics in Contrastive lexicology.
  7. Contrastive lexicology and Lexicography.
  8. Structure of the vocabulary of modern English and Ukrainian. The main groups of words. Colloquial words, the main stock of English and Ukrainian Vocabulary.
  9. Morphemic structure of a word. Morpheme. Allomorph. Morph.
  10. English and Ukrainian principles to analyze word structure. Productive and unproductive morphemes.
  11. Neologisms, Historicisms and archaisms, their place in English and Ukrainian vocabulary.
  12. Etymology as a branch of Lexicology, objective and tasks. Etymological structure of English and Ukrainian vocabulary in comparison. Indo-European element.
  13. Word-building in english and ukrainian. Affixation
  14. Semantics as a branch of lexicology, its goals and tasks.
  15. Etymological structure of English and Ukrainian vocabulary; borrowed and native elements; loan words, Etymological doublets and triplets.
  16. Etymology: peculiar features of international words. International words in translation.
  17. Denotative and connotative meaning of a word. Bilingual dictionaries in translating and interpreting. Printed and electronic dictionaries.
  18. Word-formation: productive ways to derive words in English and Ukrainian: Composition.
  19. Word-formation: reduplication, back-formation.
  20. General ways to enrich English and Ukrainian vocabulary. Nonce-words, Euphemisms, word-groups with transferred meanings.
  21. Semantics: Types of semantic component; the processes of Development and Change of Meaning in English and Ukrainian.
  22. Semantics: Kinds of transference (based on resemblance and based on contiguity); broadening and narrowing of Meaning.
  23. Synonyms in English and Ukrainian vocabulary; Hypheronyms and Hyponyms. The Dominant Synonyms.
  24. Isomophism and allomorphism in contrastive lexicology as basic principles. Branches of Contrastive Lexicology.
  25. English and Ukrainian idioms, phraseologisms, usage, way of interpreting.
Категория: Филология | Добавил: kkent | Теги: lexicology), лексикологии, Филология, Contrastive, linguistics., по, ответы, (Lexicology, and
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